Thirty-five Confession Buddhas Purification Practice
Many are familiar with the custom at Kurukulla Center to bow or make a partial or full prostration before images of the Buddha as well as before our teachers before they begin instruction. Our teachers also prostrate prior to teaching out of respect for the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Prostrations become particularly powerful when integrated into a practice which contains the four opponent powers (regret, reliance, remedy and restraint), such as the Thirty-five Confession Buddhas. This practice, also known as "The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Downfalls," involves making prostrations while reciting the names of the Thirty-five Buddhas that have been visualized. At the conclusion, one makes a realistic promise to abstain from specific negativities of body, speech and mind. Doing so purifies our negative karmas, which leads to happiness and away from problems, and brings us closer to the goal of the ultimate happiness of complete enlightenment, which allows us to be of greatest benefit to others.
All are welcome to join! Please note that even if you are not physically able to perform prostrations, it is just as beneficial to simply recite the names of the thirty-five buddhas.
The text we will be using can be downloaded from the FPMT Store.
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